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Be part of a community of people who like and dislike retail, the people we work with, the people we work for, and the people we sometimes have to help. Participate in the comments section, or support this work with a subscription.
Hey, I’m Stephen! Let me put off another haircut so I can tell you that I was a graphic artist for quite awhile until I started producing a comic on GoComics called Adult Children. It was all goofy fun until the strip became became a vessel to exorcise my retail demons.
“But Stephen”, I hear nobody asking, “why did you start writing about retail?”
That’s a very good question, you non-existent person. I intend to throw in little autobiographical tidbits to answer such burning questions as time stumbles forward.
I have funny drawings, funny pictures, and funny recollections all standing by, waiting to entertain you.
Merchandise? Oh yeah. I want to make a mug. Charlie the mug.
Make no mistake about it, this site is so you can possibly support a comic artist you like. (The “you” in that sentence is an assumed “you”. It could be somebody behind “you”.)
I’ve tried over the years to support people I like because the business model of the last century or so no longer exists. It’s now up to us, the readers, to say, “Hey, let’s chip in so that person can make more stuff!”
Please support content creators. It’s a lot easier than letting their parents continue to support them, especially if their parents are long dead.
If, like me, you’re broke, fear not! Other stuff of mine is posted all over the place for free. There might be a lot of stuff you miss, but it’ll all come out eventually.
You know. Like everything else.
I mean, I couldn’t pay to see Jurassic World. I eventually watched it for free somewhere. They still made another Jurassic movie, so the people who could afford it kept it going.
That’s what I’m trying to be. The Jurassic movie franchise. I just need enough people who can afford to keep me going help out so that somebody like me can eventually read it for free.
Either way, I’m very happy you’re here!
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